He crashes into a ravine and suffers horrible burns over much of his body. As the book opens, he is driving along a dark road when he is distracted by what seems to be a flight of arrows. As he recovers in a burn ward, unde The narrator of The Gargoyle is a very contemporary cynic, physically beautiful and sexually adept, who dwells in the moral vacuum that is modern life. Lair and Lair actions, as well as an easier to read version of the statblock under the cut.The narrator of The Gargoyle is a very contemporary cynic, physically beautiful and sexually adept, who dwells in the moral vacuum that is modern life. They are however still brilliant as beholderkin and their favorite minions are creatures that are dangerous to look at like basilisk. They are more unhinged and likely to turn on anything they deem to be a threat, having few minions that arent perfectly controllable. They tend to be more up front with their aggression and focus less on trickery and smarts. While it cannot see, it uses a form of echolocation from its central maw that grants it blindsight. These ones lack eyes entirely, with the central bodies mouth doubling in size, the body expanding roughly 25% to account for the enlarged lungs it needs, and its eye stalks being replaced by mouths. It can be born of a beholder that dreams of losing its eyes, or some other type of powerlessness.

The behowler is a less sane version of a beholder. dnd homebrew dnd stuff dnd 5e dnd homebrew monster statblock homebrew monster homebrew mine d&d dungeons & dragons dungeons and dragons d&d homebrew d&d 5th edition dm 5th edition tabletop rpg dnd ideas d&d ideas Their preferred way of eating prey is by grabbing them with their massive claws and crushing them until they stop moving, at which point it will begin to try to rip it apart with its smaller claws and begin to eat.

They have powerful legs that they can use to leap around, but they are just as at home in water. its body is flat and ovoid measuring around 6 feet across.These creatures are stupidly aggressive to their own downfall usually. The group of 6 legs are 13 feet long on average, the weapon claws are about 8 feet and the feeding arms are only about 3 feet long. Six of its legs carry its body, two of them act as weapons, and the final two are used for feeding and grooming. One of my favorite creatures from ARK, the Karkinos is a massive 10 legged spider crab, a Karkinos has thick chitin covering its body that can be a variety of colours including black, blue, red, and orange.